Friday, August 20, 2021

Sparkdoveseyes Blog 08/21/2021


Welcome to my blog today,

After finishing the Lemon and Lime cardigan, I looked for a new project and found this one.
Hubby had bought me some yarn and I like the look of the chevron in the middle, a pattern I had not done before. After undoing it twice I got the hang of it and am now nearly to the cast off for the Back to be finished.
During the week I also finished the Gothic Lace Scarf, started on 04/26/2021 and finished 08/19/2021. It was a large skein of different colors.  Very well written and easy to follow with written pattern and charts.

I loved making this one, such a beautiful pattern.

Oh Hubby has just given me a coffee and a warm scone ah ... lovely man.

 He got up on the roof to repair the Hot water tank it needed a new element this week.  I was ground crew and turning on and off taps etc :)

We will turn our attention to the weeds today weather permitting .

Thinking of you all across the world, the seasons are changing, Nature just takes change in it's stride... the season it has and enjoys it. So do I  :)





  1. Love the pattern for the lace scarf. Share?
    Happy weeding day! Weekends out in the yard are the best!

    1. Oops sorry it is a Free pattern called Gothic Lace by Tin Can Knits. I made mine in DK the pattern calls for worsted aran. The pattern has a cowl or a scarf.

      Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Wow! Both pieces are stunning!

    DH is a keeper! A man who can keep the home fires burning or
    at least the water hot. ;-)

    I'm tired of weeding. Between all the rain we've had and the extremely hot weather,it's like jungle growth. I started spraying them with ground clear. I bought a battery operated pumping! It's a dream to use. It sits between my feet on the yard tractor and I can easily cover the acre around the house in little over an hour.

    Wishing you a splendid weekend. Extreme heat warnings are again posted. There's plenty of work inside to keep me busy.

    Stay well.
    Hugs ~ Jeanne

  3. Oo I like the idea of the sprayer, we get a friend to spray on his four wheeler.
    It was good I got the hot shower :) or he may have had to do it at night :)
    Thanks Jeanne

  4. Hey that new pattern looks really good in the variegated pink yarn!

    Tin Can Knits has some really nice patterns. I have made their free Barley hat a bunch of times and have their Strange Brew book. I’ve heard their Bowline hat is really good.

  5. Thanks Hubby picked it ... it's called Multi Pinkie Pie...100% acrylic.From Porta Craft 8 ply. The pattern is a King Cole free pattern 5614. I have unpicked it all today as it is huge... Start again. :)I love the chevron and the rest is just garter.

    1. As you once said on this blog, that’s one of the nice things about knitting - the fact you can tink it back or frog, and have a do-over ❤️😉

  6. What a lovely blog with lovely pictures, lovely knitting and lovely comments. That husband of yours is a keeper, and definitely worth some pampering and "ground crew" support!! Always happy to see pictures of dear Beauty and hoping she has been discreet about the extra smuggled carrots!!

  7. She has not said a word about them :)Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Your knitting is beautiful and your use of color is amazing. Knitting is such a calming craft.

    1. Thanks so much knitting is a happy place for me, I was taught by my Mum and Aunties and love to make and give. Hubby picked most of my latest acquistion, he took me to a yarn shop and said pick some and I was not sure what to get so he filled some bags and got them for me.Keeper.

  9. What lovely colors the cardigan is and LOVE the scarf. Nice bright colors. Gorgeous pattern.

    OHhhhh, your DH is a definitely keeper! Coffee and a hot scone! YUMMY!

    Glad DH could get the element replaced in the hot water tank AND you could be his ground crew.

    Enjoying the last days of summer here and looking forward to fall. NOT looking forward to winter, but a day @ a time.

    HUGS and love the picture of Beauty! She is . . . a beauty!

    1. Hugs lovely lady :), he is the best.Thanks for your comments :)

  10. Love that scarf, and the new project looks like another one that will show off your skills! And I second what everyone said about your DH being a keeper... seems like you both have strong and useful skills!

  11. Thanks Gill, Hubby picked out the colors of most of my latest stash for me. He loves color :)

  12. Thank you we have been married 38 years and are just about "0ne", as in the two shall become one :). he has added to my character and me to his.

  13. Beautiful yarn projects!
    I got to some weeding today while DH napped.
    Our family activity was going through the Starbucks drive-thru, LOL. Benji loves the ‘pup cup’ 😂

  14. Your knitting is fabulous my friend, you have gotten very good at it! I like that you're using the "slow and steady" approach to your knitting, being patient and working at it until you have a new pattern figured out. We could all learn to be more patient and take our time in everything we do.

    I haven't been around much lately online. My dad had an eye issue (blind spot) the weekend of the 7th and on the 9th I took him to his optometrist to get it checked out. He had a torn and detached retina and the optometrist sent him immediately to a retina specialist. Specialist re-diagnosed the same problem and scheduled him for surgery on the 19th with instructions to be a "couch potato" until the surgery. Super difficult, my dad is a busy body by nature. He had the surgery last Thursday and now has to sleep in a recliner for 3 weeks, can't lay down flat. So there's been several Dr.'s appointments for his eye issue, not to mention his normal lab work and visit with his Dr. at the Veteran's Administration clinic. Been a very busy couple of weeks.

    I hope to be able to spend a little more time reading blogs and such in the near future!


  15. Oh Ken so glad you are able to help your Dad and be there with him going through this.
    I am feeling old this year and looking at aging more seriously.
    Thanks for the update will be mentioning you when I talk to the Big man :)


  17. Hello, I can type again!
    I appreciate your blogs and seeing the pictures of your corner of the world, especially your projects.

  18. Hello lovely lady glad you are on the mend :) thanks for your comments :)



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