Monday, September 27, 2021



Hi I couldn't wait for Saturday


Its finished the photo above ...which is the sleeve can you see the seam? 

I had all the parts ready to assemble and then the collar to knit ...did the sixteen rows of rib and then  came to the dec row. For three hours I knit and unpicked it.

Nightmare ...finally I gave a shout out to a wonderful knitter who stepped in and gave me the help I needed even making a video so I could follow it step by step.

 She has a lovely voice too :) 

Here are some photos of the stages 

Here is the collar cast off after the help, sorry I didn't take a photo of the mess I made of it :) it was bad :) Simple when you know how :)



I have it on now, my friend is coming over and she loves to see my creations :)

Hubby and DS gave it a thumbs up too. :)


 Thanks for having a look 




Friday, September 24, 2021

Sparkdoveseyes Blog 09/25/2021


Beauty eating her hay in the midst of Summer.


Welcome to my blog 


I have made good progress on the Tasteful Lace cardigan, the back and fronts were done on circulars, I have now finished both sleeves and started on the collar, only the button bands after that and then finished.



it has been my main focus this week though I am still doing my two rows a day on the wedding shawl.


 We went up to Bindoon last Sunday and it was lovely to see the ladies and their paintings again. This is Lin, she loves bright colors in her art work .

 She is also the wonderful raffle lady, she gathers items over the year and bags them up then you can buy a ticket for a $1 and get a prize or a "try again". I love to help her by buying as many as I can as she gets paint supplies for the group.

DS  bought a car, a smaller one as the new job has very little parking and he would not be able to get his Pathfinder in the lot.  He has one more day to work then a few days off before starting the new position. It is only half an hour instead of the hour and ten minutes now. The men are out now getting it :)


We got this ink drawing/painting of Carilley Estate and Hubby got this one called 

Skinny Dipping.

 He has been working on his 3D printer too 


 We all got phone holders :), he also printed one for an I-phone that had a  long tube speaker and gave it to his brother, who was amazed how the sound was amplified when it rang ha ha so cool. We are all getting older and our hearing is needing some help :) 


I am having a rest day today as the week has been seemingly long and I am tired.


I am looking out on my field of daisies and enjoying the view. 


Have a wonderful week and enjoy your surroundings, 





Friday, September 17, 2021



Hello and welcome to my blog today,

This week has been wonderful with Sunny days and rain and rainbows, Spring cometh...

The 28's (parrots) and Magpies, Ducks and Ravens have been visiting to take advantage of the Deadly Nightshade plants and the bird bath and the snails.

Beauty has decided there is enough grass for her to eat and is lying in the Sun. She doesn't come to the fence any more. We are hoping to surprise her with an old friend at the end of September. 

Her original owner has been asked to bring one of her 'sisters' to keep her company. In the summer they stand head to  toe and swat the flies off each other. She has been alone for a few years now. I am hoping she will enjoy the company.

Paul comes to  poison our weeds and uses a special spray that doesn't hurt Beauty.



I am still working on the Tasteful Lace cardigan. O what a joy to knit, it looks stunning and I have only undone two stitches in getting used to the pattern.


 I have completed the back and left and right fronts knitted at the same time on circulars so far and started on the sleeves. I am doing the sleeves on straights.



This is the sleeve seam so cool...



On the home front ... we took a drive over to Bindoon to the Art and Craft show, only to find it was not able to open on Friday. We are not able to go today so hopefully tomorrow we can go. 


I will take some pictures ... we got this one in has beautiful greens and colors in the black areas.



Life goes on and we hope for a quiet fire season...
I found some old photos, this is me in the Marching team ... the Whakatane Squadronettes. In the seventies. I am the shortie in the middle.


Sorry about the lines the photo album is so old :) 
Take time to check out nature all around you and enjoy the peace you have. 

Friday, September 10, 2021



Good Morning and thanks for stopping by. 

Beauty has decided she has enough grass to eat and is not coming to the fence for her carrots anymore.


This week I have been working on the latest project,  the Tasteful Lace.



It is knit on a circular needle because it has 233 stitches. It is knit altogether up to the armholes, with seven patterns and then completed with stocking stitch. i think it almost looks Art Deco..y.

It is another new way of knitting to me, I am stretching myself and hoping to be able to wear it if I get to go and see DD and family.


It is a beautiful spring day today here, huge big puffy clouds fill the sky, the Sun is shining on the yellowy green grass and the blue sky all makes for a joy to look at.

We are hoping to attend our yearly Art and Craft show on Friday. We have missed the lovely ladies and are hoping they are all ok. 


This is one I purchased in the past. 

I love the movement of it, looks like a group of people dancing to me, throwing their arms around to the music .. 


The trees are getting their leaves on our deciduous trees. Isn't is amazing how they are dormant and then out pop the new ones? So cool.


Have a wonderful week 

Thinking of you 




Friday, September 3, 2021



Good Morning 

Please help yourself to a piece of Apple Cake hot out of the oven. 

 I have knitting to show today ... an FO.. finished object. 

The King Cole Sweater in DK is finished. It is knit in Portacraft Acrylic DK called 

Multi Pinkie Pie. It took 7 balls... started on the 08/22 and finished 09/03.


For a mostly  garter stitch project it was undone so much :)



Neck and sleeves.

You can see the Chevron pattern here. 

It is lovely and thick and warm, I am hoping to go and see baby 3 in May next year so will need this as Tasmania is sooooo... cold :)

 The color does somewhat hide the pattern in the pics but is ok in real life.



 My next project is ready to go another one for the trip to wear on the plane, I am hoping to finish it in time with less undoing :) It is knit on circular needles.

228 sts a recipe for lots of undoing.



 It seemed like a busy week this week lots going on... last night we took DS to a local pub to say goodbye to a fellow worker, we went off and got some food and came back to pick him up.

Today we are chilling out, tomorrow a friend of DS is coming to buy his Hyundai Tiburon.


Beauty says hi.



 Have great week catch you next Saturday 




  Good Morning, It is a lovely quiet sunny day here, after a week of cool but sunny days. The Galahs have gathered in the dead tree, had the...